globae hydro market innovative and hi-tech products based on hydrogen with therapeutic purposes as well as healthy life style.
Our products have wide spread in countries such as Japan, South Korea, China and the United States.
globae hydro act as the exclusive distributor of Handong Hydro in Spain, Portugal and Andorra.
We have a wide range of official resellers. Please, contact us.
Read moreOxygen is key for our lives since it is the fuel for cells in order to generate energy. At the same time, it is a powerful oxidant, since it participates in chemical reaction which causes cellular oxidation.
A small percentage of the oxygen that we breathe produces free radicals. Our lifestyle and the surrounding environment generate in our body more free radicals to what is physiologically common.
Free radicals are unstable atoms, molecules or ions with an unpaired electron. They circulate throughout the body trying to steal an electron from stable molecules in order to reach electrochemical stability. During this process, free radicals oxidize new molecules, turning them into free radicals. Thus, a chain reaction takes place, destroying or deteriorating cells.
As we get old, the antioxidant function of our cells is not enough to eliminate oxidative damage.
Drinking hydrogen rich water daily reduces cellular oxidation and keeps your body healthy.
Read moreThere is evidence of the close relationship between persistent oxidative stress and cellular aging, as well as with a wide range of illness.
Molecular hydrogen(H2) is considered as a brand new antioxidant with preventive and therapeutic applications.
Read moreIn the field of biological medicine, recent studies have shown that molecular hydrogen (H2) is a powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory with potential therapeutic applications, protecting cells, tissues and organs from oxidative stress.
Water is the best way to administer hydrogen because:
Hydrogen rich water neutralizes harmful free radicals and it helps reduce oxidative stress which causes illness.
Read more2% of oxygen that we breathe turns into active oxygen, oxidative element which causes disease.
Oxidation »
Hydrogen rich water is so important to keep your body healthy that there is a Molecular Hydrogen Medicine Centre in Japan that belongs to the Institute for Development of Aging Sciences.
The Power of Hydrogen »
Hydrogen is the most powerful and efficient antioxidant. 176 times more powerful than Vitamin C and 865 times more powerful that the co-enzyme Q. It is the antioxidant of the future.
Antioxidant potential of hydrogen water »
There is increasing evidence that shows the close relationship between oxidative stress and cellular aging process, as well as with the appearance of a wide range of diseasees such as diabetes, matabolic syndrome, arteriosclerosis and cronic inflammatory processes, neurodegenerative diseases and even cancer.
Which are the hydrogen water benefits »
What does people experiment when they drink hydrogen water: boost of energy, it facilitates blood circulation, extra skin hydration, it reduces body odor, it facilitates the metabolism.
Benefits »
Hydrogen rich water is the next generation in processed water. Soon, everybody will drink hydrogen water in order to prevent and protect our health from diseases, to improve our well-being and to delay aging.
Dr. Hayashi Reserach Conclusions »
The advantage of hydrogen against other types of antioxidants lays in its size. It is smaller and, thus, it penetrates any cellular membrane in order to eliminate harmful ROS.
Hydrogen water, the antioxidant which eliminates harmful ROS »
We grow old and sick because we oxidize.
Oxidation »
Alkaline water is the second generation of processed water. This technology first appear in Japan 30 years ago. Hydrogen water devices by the means of electrolysis constitute the third generation of processed water.
Products »
Hydrogen water hydrates 6 times more than tap water due to its smaller molecule grouping, that results in a better penetration through cell pores.
Hydrogen action mechanisms »
It helps to delay premature aging and prevents diseases, it provides extra energy and it helps to lose weight.
Benefits »
Drinking hydrogen water keeps your life healthy, eliminating harmful ROS daily.
Hydrogen water, the antioxidant which eliminates harmful ROS »